A client will get more out of therapy if they are an active participant in their own treatment.Therapy takes time and patience. It doesn't have to take forever, but, depending on one's issues, it is often not a quick fix.One's goals for therapy may change in...
Ellen Kirschman
The Chauvin Verdict and the Future of Policing in America
There is a lot wrong with policing because there is a lot wrong with society.For communities of color, the Chauvin verdict is one winning skirmish in a centuries-old war that shows no signs of slowing.There will be no one-size-fits-all solution but several key changes...
The Wisdom of Chief Inspector Armand Gamache
“There are four things that lead to wisdom. You ready for them?" She nodded, wondering when the police work would begin. "They are four sentences we learn to say, and mean." Gamache held up his hand as a fist and raised a finger with each point. "I don't know. I need...
Intimate Partner Abuse: What if Your Abuser Is a Cop?
Domestic abuse in police families is rarely talked about until it makes headlines. How often it happens and how prevalent it is compared to the general population is a mystery. Even experts in the field of officer-involved domestic violence (OIDV) cannot find any...
When It Comes to Dying, Cops May Be Their Own Worst Enemies
The headlines are horrifying. Nine New York City police officers have committed suicide since the start of the year. Chicago PD lost six officers to suicide in an eight-month period. According to Blue H.E.L.P., a nonprofit organization dedicated to helping officers...
Sticks and Stones: Why That Old Children’s Rhyme Is So Wrong
In this era of hate speech, it is words that hurt and words that heal. A few weeks ago I shared something controversial on my Facebook page. Some readers found it offensive. I understood why. What I didn't understand and still don't, is the vehemence of their...